Advertising with Facebook

If you have already experimented with Google AdWords, you will find a similar experience with Facebook ads though there are some appealing differences. If you are new to this, you can expect a system that is technically easy to use but requires thoughtful research and monitoring.
Facebook Ad Basics
1. Design your adInclude a brief written message accompanied by a photo.
2. Select your target demographic You will choose your target’s sex, geography, age, and interests. Once your preferences are sets, you’ll know how many users fit the demographic.
3. Set your budget Facebook ads can be purchased as pay-per-click or by the number of impressions. You can set your cost limit per day or for the term of the campaign. Based on your target preferences, you’ll be given an estimate of how many impressions you can expect for your budget.
Compared to AdWords
Google AdWords delivers your ad in response to specific search queries and therefore the consumer can be considered a warm lead, expressing an interest in your product/service in the  moment. Facebook on the other hand presents ads to users that have expressed a general interest.
Google AdWords are more expensive. You can expect to pay higher prices per click for less impressions.
A Google ad offers three possible outcomes per impression: the consumer ignores the ad; the ad is clicked, they  visit  your site but they don’t purchase; or they click, they come and they buy. Facebook also offers these outcomes, but with one additional possibility: they can Like you. And with that Like, you have obtained an on-going relationship through which you can further communicate.
Facebook ads incorporate images, while AdWords do not. As always, simple images seem to be the most effective. Try multiple images, and see which one works best for you.

facebook advertisingIf you have already experimented with Google AdWords, you will find a similar experience with Facebook ads though there are some appealing differences. If you are new to this, you can expect a system that is technically easy to use but requires thoughtful research and monitoring.

Facebook Ad Basics

1. Design your adInclude a brief written message accompanied by a photo.

2. Select your target demographic You will choose your target’s sex, geography, age, and interests. Once your preferences are sets, you’ll know how many users fit the demographic.

3. Set your budget Facebook ads can be purchased as pay-per-click or by the number of impressions. You can set your cost limit per day or for the term of the campaign. Based on your target preferences, you’ll be given an estimate of how many impressions you can expect for your budget.

Compared to AdWords

Google AdWords delivers your ad in response to specific search queries and therefore the consumer can be considered a warm lead, expressing an interest in your product/service in the moment. Facebook on the other hand presents ads to users that have expressed a general interest.

Google AdWords are more expensive. You can expect to pay higher prices per click for less impressions.

A Google ad offers three possible outcomes per impression: the consumer ignores the ad; the ad is clicked, they  visit  your site but they don’t purchase; or they click, they come and they buy. Facebook also offers these outcomes, but with one additional possibility: they can Like you. And with that Like, you have obtained an on-going relationship through which you can further communicate.

Facebook ads incorporate images, while AdWords do not. As always, simple images seem to be the most effective. Try multiple images, and see which one works best for you.

Posted in advertising, Uncategorized, web

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